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Vermont Law School's environmental law faculty are national and international leaders in the field.

Our scholars challenge conventional wisdom and push the envelope of knowledge. They are professionals who respect environmental values, have a passion for their work, and devote their talents to making the world a better place for all communities.

These dedicated teachers and scholars mentor students, pursue collaborations and partnerships with researchers and organizations in the U.S. and abroad, litigate major cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and other major courts, and organize political and public action campaigns. As experts, they have testified before Congress and participated in precedent-setting lawsuits. Widely published, their books and articles have established them as recognized and respected experts on environmental law, energy policy, land use, urban planning, wildlife and wilderness law, and "green taxes."



Global Energy Justice LLM Fellow
Laurie Beyranevand
Director, Center for Agriculture and Food Systems
Professor of Law

Expertise: Health Law; Administrative Law; Food Law and Policy

Richard Brooks
Professor of Law Emeritus
Founding Director, Environmental Law Center
Professor of Law
Staff Attorney, Farm & Energy Initiative
Professor of Law
Staff Attorney

Expertise: Municipal Land Use; Legislative & Regulatory Advocacy

Director, Environmental Advocacy Clinic
Assistant Professor of Law

Expertise: Environmental Law; Energy Law and Regulation; Administrative Law

Michael Dworkin, Vermont Law School
Professor of Law Emeritus
Founding Director, Institute for Energy and the Environment

Expertise: Energy Law and Regulation

Stephen Dycus
Professor of Law Emeritus

Expertise: National Security; International and Comparative Law

John Echeverria
Professor of Law

Expertise: Land Use Planning and Regulation; Property Law; Water Rights and Allocation; Regulatory Takings; Climate Change Adaptation

David Firestone
Professor of Law

Expertise: Business Law; Contracts; Environmental Law; Land Use Planning and Regulation; Taxation and Tax Policy; International Environmental Law

Laura Fox
Director, Farmed Animal Advocacy Clinic
Visiting Professor

Expertise: Animal Law; Environmental Law; Climate Change; Administrative Law; Environmental Litigation

Portrait of EJC Director Mia Montoya Hammersley in the Desert Mountains of New Mexico
Director, Environmental Justice Clinic

Expertise: Environmental Justice; Native American Law; Environmental Law

Interim Director, Institute for Energy and the Environment
Associate Professor, Maverick Lloyd School for the Environment
Associate Professor of Law, Vermont Law School

Expertise: Energy Law and Regulation; Oil and Gas Law and Regulation; Climate Change; Air Pollution

Kevin Jones
Director, Institute for Energy and the Environment
Professor of Energy Technology and Policy

Expertise: Energy Law and Regulation; Clean Air Act; Climate Change; Air Pollution

Director, U.S.-Asia Partnerships for Environmental Law
Professor of Law

Expertise: China and the Environment

Mark Latham
Professor of Law Emeritus

Expertise: Clean Air Act; Clean Water Act; Corporations; Torts and Product Liability; Environmental Enforcement and Regulation

Yanmei Lin, Vermont Law School
Professor of Law
Deputy Director, U.S.-Asia Partnerships for Environmental Law

Expertise: International and Comparative Law; China and the Environment; Environmental Public Interest Litigation in Asia; Wildlife Crimes in China; Public Participation in Environmental Governance

Reed Loder
Professor of Law

Expertise: Environmental Ethics; Judicial Ethics; Property Law; Animal Law; Ethics and Professionalism

Marc Mihaly
Professor of Law Emeritus

Expertise: Land Use Law; Energy Law and Regulation; NEPA - National Environmental Policy Act

Janet Milne
Director, Environmental Tax Policy Institute
Professor of Law

Expertise: Environmental Tax Policy; Climate Change; Land Use Law; Taxation and Tax Policy

Professor Pat Parenteau
Professor of Law Emeritus
Senior Fellow for Climate Policy, Environmental Law Center

Expertise: Climate Change; Endangered Species; Natural Resources Law and Management; Public Lands; Water Rights and Allocation; Wetlands and Water Resources

Dean, Maverick Lloyd School for the Environment
Faculty Director, Environmental Law Center
Professor of Law

Expertise: Climate Change; Environmental Justice; Environmental Law; Environmental Litigation; Food and Agriculture; Transportation

Christine Ryan
Environmental Law Librarian
Associate Professor of Law

Expertise: Legal Research Instruction; Environmental Law Resources

Energy Justice LLM Fellow
Joan Vogel
Professor of Law

Expertise: Alternative Dispute Resolution; Employment Law; Torts and Product Liability

Director, Animal Law and Policy Institute
Associate Professor of Law
Faculty Representative, Vermont Law and Graduate School Board of Trustees

Expertise: Animal Law

Kinvin Wroth
Professor of Law Emeritus