• Alumni
  • IEE Graduate

Jonathan Willson


  • Senior Development Manager
  • Walden Renewables


  • MERL, 2015


“Vermont was an early adopter of distributed solar, so VLS was well-positioned to help me break into this industry. I chose VLS because of the flexible, online MERL offering.  I was working full-time as a paralegal at a litigation law firm in Vermont as I decided whether to pursue a JD or MBA as the next step of my career.  I knew my goal was to get into renewable energy as this industry began to really blossom and VLS seemed well-positioned to provide the education I needed to break into the energy industry. I chose the MERL because of the specialized regulatory curriculum.  I analyzed the MERL vs. JD and MBA degrees that I felt would help me enter the renewable energy market and felt that the MERL would provide a unique and marketable education.  I saw that the program had a very high employment rate within the energy sector and a tight-knit group of alumni.  this alumni network is what landed me my first development position at Ranger Solar! The connections I made at Vermont Law, especially the alumni network, launched my renewable energy career.”