December 4, 2020

Vermont Law School recently caught up with Matthew Rubin MERL’18 to discuss why he chose VLS in general, and the MERLS program specifically, and what he is up to now.

Where did you grow up?: Huntington, New York

Why Vermont Law School?: With an interest in the renewable energy field, I was eager to apply to one of the top environmental law schools in the country. It also did not hurt that I spent most of my winter vacations at Killington!

Why the Master of Energy Regulation and Law(MERL)?: When deciding that I wanted to go back to school, I knew I wanted to do something environmental. I wanted to be in an expanding field with lots of opportunities. Lastly, I wanted to see progress, and as renewables have become competitive with fossil fuels and now even cheaper, we are now seeing a boom in renewable generation across the country and beyond.

Current position: Energy Policy Analyst for the state of Nevada at Western Resource Advocates.

What do you love the most about your current position?: I love that I’m actively helping to shape state energy and greenhouse gas reduction policies. I’m consistently learning and collaborating with organizations like NRDC and Sierra Club. And of course, I love living in Reno, a half-hour away from the ski mountain and crystal-clear Lake Tahoe!