Last week, Devin Brennan (JD/MAPP’25) and Mario Heitmann (MAPP’24) traveled to the State House in Montpelier to testify before the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy in support of SB 258: An act relating to the management of fish and wildlife.
Key parts of the bill include:
- Making the Fish & Wildlife Board advisory only
- Setting new standards for appointing Board members
- Diversifying membership to include both consumptive users (e.g. hunters, trappers and anglers) and non-consumptive users (non-hunting, trapping or angling community)
- Establishing training for Board members on ethics, the impacts of climate change on wildlife, how to reduce human/wildlife conflicts, and other critical aspects of wildlife conservation
- Banning both coyote hounding and hunting coyotes over bait
Mario is an extern with Animal Wellness Action and was thrilled to have an opportunity to put his education and real-world training into action. Devin who is a clinician in the Farmed Animal Advocacy Clinic shared, “I enjoyed this great opportunity to speak to members of our legislature. Being in the State House and looking into the legislators’ eyes offered a chance to meaningfully and professionally connect with the legislators on an issue affecting wildlife. This opportunity built my confidence and built on skills related to my work in the Farmed Animal Advocacy Clinic. The Clinic has helped me develop strong research skills, and those skills aided me in drafting the testimony I gave today.”