​VLS President and Dean Marc Mihaly shared this statement with students, faculty, and staff on Jan. 30, 2017.

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:  

As most of you know by now, on Friday, January 27th President Trump signed an Executive Order that immediately suspended entry to the United States by citizens of the seven Muslim-majority nations of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen for at least 90 days, and halted the United States Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days. This Order appears to implement the President’s campaign statements that he would ban Muslims from entry to the United States.  

Our response to the President’s Executive Order should be in accord with our role as a law school and a community dedicated to upholding the rule of law, the principles of the United States Constitution, and principles of non-discrimination and inclusivity. It appears that the immigration policy is inconsistent with the principles upon which the United States was founded, with the United States Constitution, and with the principles and values of Vermont Law School. The announced policy has already interfered with the efforts of many states and cities in Vermont and around the United States to welcome some of the most vulnerable refugees from war-torn areas such as Syria. 

The President’s Executive Order has been successfully, if temporarily and partially, challenged in the Courts, and will face further legal challenges. Regardless of whether the Courts ultimately uphold the President’s Executive Order, the message it sends to Americans, immigrants, and citizens across the globe, is that the United States is an enemy to Islam, that it will not join the international effort to accept civilian refugee families from the Middle-East, and that this nation has abandoned its core principles of non-discrimination based upon religion or national origin. Such a message must not be allowed to stand. 

For these reasons, I support the statement of the Association of American Universities calling for an end to this Executive Order.

Vermont Law School will use our special expertise and knowledge of the law to support every member of our community regardless of their religious orientation or national origin. We will provide assistance to any member of our student body, our faculty, or our staff who may be affected by this ban.  Please let Deputy Vice Dean for Academic Affairs Beth McCormack or Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Diversity Shirley Jefferson know if you are concerned about your immigration status or ability to travel to or from the United States as a result of the Executive Order, and we will work with you to ensure that you receive relevant information and effective legal counsel if needed.

Vermont Law School will continue to admit students from any nation across the globe in accordance with our long-standing policy that we do not discriminate based on race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, gender-identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, military service or any other protected status. We are proud of having a broad and diverse community of students and graduates from around the globe and are working to increase our diversity, not constrain it based on fear or hatred.

Our faculty are talking and meeting to explore ways that they can engage constructively on behalf of people unfairly impacted by the President’s Executive Order.  Our South Royalton Legal Clinic is providing and will continue to provide representation to clients who are facing challenges associated with United States immigration laws including those affected by the recent Order. I am also aware that many students and staff are asking how they can become involved. We will share information about ways that you can constructively engage in responding to this Executive Order over the coming days and weeks.

Please support each other throughout the nation’s conversation about and reaction to the President’s Order, and be alert to ensuring that everyone in our community feels safe and welcomed.

My very best to all of you,


Marc B. Mihaly

President and Dean 

Vermont Law School