​American Bar Association (ABA) President Paulette Brown will discuss diversity in the legal profession during a talk at Vermont Law School, 12:45 p.m. Monday, March 14, in Chase Community Center. The event is free and open to the public and press.

Brown has received several awards and honors, including being named one of "The 50 Most Influential Minority Lawyers in America" by The National Law Journal. Throughout her career, she has served as in-house counsel to Fortune 500 companies and as a municipal court judge. Brown is currently a partner at Locke Lord LLP, where she co-chairs the firm’s Diversity & Inclusion Committee.

"We look forward to welcoming ABA President Paulette Brown to Vermont Law School, and we’re confident her talk will inspire students, alumni, faculty and staff, and members of the Vermont Bar Association," said VLS President and Dean Marc Mihaly. "We have a lot to be proud of at VLS—from the strength of our academic programs to the breadth and diversity of our student groups and their activities—and President Brown’s visit is a wonderful opportunity to share these things with ABA leadership."

In addition to her talk about diversity, Brown will tour the VLS campus, spend time with student leaders, participate in a panel on careers in international law, and visit South Royalton School with Students for Community Outreach and Education (SCORE).

Brown has held a variety of ABA leadership positions since joining the Young Lawyers Division in 1976. She has been a member of the House of Delegates since 1997 and is a former member of the Board of Governors, Executive Committee, and Governance Commission. She has served on the Commission on Women in the Profession, chaired the ABA Council on Racial and Ethnic Justice, and co-chaired the Commission on Civic Education in our Nation’s Schools. She earned her juris doctor (JD) at Seton Hall University School of Law and her bachelor’s degree at Howard University. For more information about Paulette Brown, visit americanbar.org/groups/leadership/aba_officers/brown.

For more information about Vermont Law School events open to the public, visit vermontlaw.edu/news-and-events.


Vermont Law School, a private, independent institution, is home to the nation’s largest and deepest environmental law program. VLS offers a Juris Doctor curriculum that emphasizes public service; three Master’s Degrees—Master of Environmental Law and Policy, Master of Energy Regulation and Law, and Master of Food and Agriculture Law and Policy; and four post-JD degrees —LLM in American Legal Studies (for foreign-trained lawyers), LLM in Energy Law, LLM in Environmental Law, and LLM in Food and Agriculture Law. The school features innovative experiential programs and is home to the Environmental Law Center, South Royalton Legal Clinic, Environmental and Natural Resources Law Clinic, Energy Clinic, Food and Agriculture Clinic, and Center for Applied Human Rights. For more information, visit vermontlaw.edu, find us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.​