​“A Smarter, Greener Grid: Forging Environmental Progress through Smart Energy Policies and Technologies” (Praeger, May 2014) describes the environmental benefits of a smart grid to upgrade the United States’ antiquated electrical grid—and details the policies necessary to achieve a digital energy revolution. Written by Professor Kevin Jones, deputy director of the Institute for Energy and the Environment (IEE), and David Zoppo ’13, the book has been cited by the National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP) as a useful tool as states look to achieve the carbon reduction targets issued last month by the EPA.

Carbon dioxide emissions from the electric power industry comprise one-third of the total greenhouse gas emissions of the U.S. The EPA plan calls for a cut in carbon pollution from power plants by 30 percent from 2005 levels by 2030. “The Obama Administration’s new climate rules will ensure that electricity has a bright future as America’s most efficient, clean, and reliable energy resource,” said Jones, who has focused his career on seeking solutions to the energy and environmental policy challenges facing the electric power industry. “Existing off-the-shelf smart grid technologies offer real promise for states that are looking to cost-effectively meet the EPA’s proposed greenhouse gas reductions. All that is needed is leadership by the states to implement the public policies to encourage these existing clean and efficient technologies.”

Jones’ book has received praise from leading energy industry experts.

“‘A Smarter, Greener Grid’ describes and examines policies and technologies that will enable distributed resources—including efficiency, demand response, distributed generation, and electric vehicles—to transform our energy future,” said Jon Wellinghoff, a partner with Stoel Rives LLC and former chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). “This book offers a realistic path to that future and real progress toward mitigating the impacts of climate change.”

In addition to co-authoring “A Smarter, Greener Grid,” Jones leads a smart grid research and analysis project at the IEE. The project was initially funded by a $450,000 U.S. Department of Energy grant.

For more information about “A Smarter, Greener Grid,” or about the IEE smart grid project, call Dr. Kevin Jones at 802-831-1054 or email kbjones@vermontlaw.edu.

The Institute for Energy and the Environment at Vermont Law School provides accessible resources on contemporary energy law and policy and is modeled on the fundamentals of a successful public policy consulting firm. The IEE distributes scholarly, technical and practical publications; provides forums and conferences for professional education and issue development; and serves as a center for graduate research on energy issues, with environmental awareness. IEE research associates are selected from top students in the energy and environmental programs at Vermont Law School, ranked No. 1 in the nation for environmental law. For more information about the Institute for Energy and the Environment, email jthomas@vermontlaw.edu or call 802-831-1151.