Mid-career and aspiring animal advocates have a new opportunity to further their work and education with Vermont Law and Graduate School (VLGS).  

The Animal Law and Policy Institute, in partnership with the Brooks Institute for Animal Rights Law and Policy, Inc. and Brooks McCormick Jr. Trust for Animal Rights Law and Policy, will offer up to three residential Animal Law LLM fellowships for the 2024-25 academic year, with full tuition waivers plus stipends of $35,000 to cover expenses.  

Brooks Institute for Animal Rights Law & Policy Fellows will earn an Animal Law LLM degree and practical law and policy experience from one of the nation’s leading animal and environmental law programs.  

Fellows will work closely with the Animal Law and Policy Institute’s highly skilled faculty and staff, and a passionate team of scholars working toward advancing legal protections for animals. VLGS’s animal law program is built on the growing recognition of the interconnections between human, environmental and animal well-being, which is reflected in course offerings, events and mentorships.  

Professor Delcianna Winders, director of the Animal Law and Policy Institute, shared, “We are thrilled to offer this unique degree and fellowship opportunity to recent law school graduates, experienced animal law attorneys and scholars, and those wanting to shift their careers to incorporate animal protection law. As one of only two law schools in the world offering an Animal Law LLM degree, we created a carefully tailored curriculum focused on experiential learning and scholarship to help advance graduates’ careers.”  

Learn more about the fellowship, degree program, application requirements and deadline, at Brooks Institute for Animal Rights Law and Policy LLM Fellowship | Vermont Law and Graduate School.