Last weekend, VLGS students Drew McCormick, Taylor Rush, and Daria Bednarczyk made us proud while successfully competing in the National Animal Law Competitions held at Harvard Law School.

The Brooks Institute for Animal Rights Law and Policy organizes this annual competition with support from a planning committee comprised of Chris Green, executive director of the Animal Legal Defense Fund; Pamela Frasch, professor and founder of the Center for Animal Law Studies at Lewis & Clark Law School; and Delcianna Winders, professor and director of the Animal Law and Policy Institute at VLGS. The competitions were originally created by Laura Ireland, who is now the associate director of the Animal Law and Policy Institute.

Drew and Taylor were the winners of the appellate advocacy component of the competitions. They also won best brief and Taylor earned the title of best oral advocate. They were one of eight teams who, based on their brief, were invited to compete in oral arguments. Professor Fox coached them, and Professors Anna Connolly, Laura Ireland, and Pamela Vesilind; students Liz Frye, Logan Keen, Nick Harris, and Scott Berkley; and alum Ashely Monti (JD/MFALP’21) helped moot the team. Will Lowrey (JD’17) authored this year’s appellate problem. 

Daria was a finalist in the legislative drafting and lobbying component of the competitions where she was invited after drafting a bill and fact sheet. She was coached by Professor Vesilind who is a veteran of the competitions having coached a number of teams and competed in the competitions as a law student.

Students from around the country were judged by leading scholars and practitioners, gaining skills and learning how to become effective animal advocates.