May 18, 2018

The Institute for Energy and the Environment (IEE) has added two new international fellows to its team. Anna Butenko has joined the IEE as Senior Fellow for European Energy Law and Policy, and Arturo Brandt has joined as Senior Fellow for Latin American Climate and Energy Law and Policy. They will collaborate with the IEE faculty, staff, and students to strengthen the reach and depth of the IEE’s clean energy law and policy program in Europe and Latin America. The collaboration will include opportunities for academic, policy research, and cultural exchanges of knowledge and experience.

Ms. Butenko was the Fulbright-Schuman Innovation Scholar at IEE in the fall of 2017. She is carrying out her doctoral research in energy law and economics at Amsterdam Centre for Energy of the University of Amsterdam, and at Tilburg Law and Economics Center of Tilburg University, the Netherlands. Her research focuses on regulatory responses to innovation in the energy sector.

Mr. Brandt, a VLS graduate with an LLM in Environmental Law, will teach Global Energy Law and Policy at VLS in the summer of 2018. He is the Latin American Representative for Tradition Green, a UK Company in the environmental commodities marketplace, including carbon credits and renewable energy certi cates. He also serves as a consulting attorney with Vial Serrano Law Firm, advising on issues related to environmental law.