April 30, 2020

After graduating from Vermont Law School’s Master of Food and Agriculture Law and Policy program, Eva Moss moved to North Carolina and founded Heartstrong Farm. In addition to running the no-till flower-growing business, she now provides legal education services for sustainable farmers, as farmer and partner development manager at Farm Commons. We caught up with the alumna to hear about her time studying with the Center for Agriculture and Food Systems at VLS, and how it prepared her for a multifaceted career in agriculture and law.
Q. Why Vermont Law School?
I chose to pursue a MFALP degree at VLS because I wanted to learn about the legal systems regulating our food system and how they impact the ability of smaller-scale, community-focused farm businesses to survive and thrive.
Q. What were some standout VLS classes?
My favorite classes were Agricultural and Food Entrepreneur Lawyering Skills taught by attorneys Beth Boepple and Amy Manzelli, Public Law with Professor Melissa Scanlan, Environmental Dispute Resolution with Professor Martha Judy, and Water Resources Law with Professor John Echeverria.
I really enjoyed the wide variety of law classes VLS offered, as I was able to look at agriculture from the perspective of water law, environmental law, administrative and public law, etc. This in-class learning was nicely complimented by the impressive speakers the Center for Agriculture and Food Systems brought to campus, like Paula Daniels of the Center for Good Food Purchasing.
Q. What have you been up to since graduating?
Everything I learned at VLS has been put to good use since graduation! Shortly after graduating in 2016, I started my own small farm business in North Carolina, Heartstrong Farm. Equipped with knowledge from that Agricultural and Food Entrepreneur Lawyering course, I was ready to negotiate my lease, set up an LLC, and navigate resources and support available to me through Farm Bill programs administered through USDA and on the local level through my county FSA (thank you Amy and Beth!). I also work in legal education services for sustainable farmers, as Farmer and Partner Development Manager at Farm Commons. The knowledge I gained at VLS has served me so well in both of these roles!
Q. What memories stand out from your time at VLS?
There’s something special that happens when you share passion and inspiration with others to figure out how to transform oppressive and extractive systems into those that are just, democratic, and kind to people and the land. As result, I met some of the most inspiring people from all over the world, many of whom are among my closest friends today. Thank you VLS!
I live in the Piedmont of North Carolina, just between Pittsboro and Asheboro. On the farm we’ve got veggies, chickens, a cat, and a fun-loving Great Pyrenees. If any Swans are ever in the area, we’d love to have you visit!