Grace van Deelen is a journalist who writes about climate, agriculture, wildlife, and science and was a 2023 animal law media fellow at VLGS. She has published work for Sierra MagazineInside Climate News, and Scientific American, among other publications. She is currently a reporter at Eos

Her most recent article in Vox Magazine, “How Public Universities Hooked America on Meat,” is featured as part of a series highlighting how factory farming shapes America.

One of the goals of the animal law media program is to develop collaborative relationships and provide journalists with subject matter experts to help during their reporting. Grace was able to reach out to Professor Delcianna Winders for her take on the research conducted by universities that is supporting the growth of factory farms and increasingly inhumane practices and she was quoted saying, “This type of research is ‘unethical, particularly . . . when the very things you’re doing to increase production are causing harm to animals.”

Read the full article here!