Academic Success at VLGS
Studying law is not like studying in undergraduate or other graduate programs. Academic achievement in law school will require you to revise many of your success strategies and methodologies for reading, note-taking, analysis, writing, organization, and studying. These adjustments are critical to student success in law school!

VLGS’s Academic Success Program (ASP) is a department specifically designed to help you learn, develop, and apply a new set of skills. ASP is made up of Professor Jessica Durkis-Stokes (Director), Professor Dayna Smith (Associate Director), Katrina Munyon (Assistant Director), as well as 2nd and 3rd year-student mentors.
As a VLGS student, you can and should access ASP study materials in a variety of ways, including:
- The ASP Student Portal: Click here to open the login to the internal ASP Student Portal site (A VLGS e-mail is required to access)
- One-On-One Meetings: Prof. Durkis-Stokes, Prof. Smith and academic success mentors are available to meet with you one-on-one or in small groups throughout your time at VLGS to assess your learning progress and develop the most effective study strategy for you.
- Attend Workshops: ASP hosts many helpful workshops. First-year workshops focus on developing the fundamental skills that will serve you throughout law school, and in achieving the best grades you can. Workshop topics include: Outlining, IRAC & Multiple Choice Strategies, Preparing for Finals, etc.
- Visit Student Mentors: Your fellow classmates (2Ls and 3Ls) are available to meet through Teams or in the ASP Resource Room. You can meet with them individually or in a small group. Mentors are available to discuss note-taking, case briefing, time management, study groups, outlining, and preparing for midterms/final exams. Mentors have been there themselves, and can help you figure out what your professors are looking for!
- Study Aids/Supplements: Creating your own outlines and study materials is the best way to review and reinforce materials. Study aids and commercial outlines are a great compliment. There are many options for study aids available through ASP and the VLGS Library, tailored to a variety of learning styles and study needs.
- Prepare for the Bar: Early awareness, skills development, and disciplined study throughout law school are essential to passing the bar exam—a prerequisite to nearly every legal job. ASP offers many programs during your 2L and 3L years designed to help you pass the bar the first time.
- Jump Start: For information about, or next steps involving the Jump Start program, email us at
Code of Conduct and Amendments to Academic Regulations
Code of Conduct and Amendments to
Academic Regulations
Student Consumer Information and NECHE Required Disclosures
Code of Conduct and Amendments to
Academic Regulations
Student Consumer Information and ABA Required Disclosures
Amendments to
Academic Regulations
Notices of VLGS Amendment to the Academic Regulations
Book Lists, First Assignments, and Syllabi
Official Transcript Requests
Plagiarism Education
Please read the attachments below in preparation for the Academic Regulations and Plagiarism session with Professor Anna Connolly.
Student Handbook
Writing Competitions (Portal)
Contact Information
Academic Success Program
Vermont Law and Graduate School 3rd floor of Waterman North Windsor Street South Royalton, VT 05068
Phone: (802) 831-1105