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Alumni in Energy Regional Symposium: Emerging Energy Issues in New York and New England

April 3 @ 10:00 am 4:30 pm EDT

Join Vermont Law and Graduate School alumni, industry leaders, and energy experts for an in-depth discussion on the evolving energy landscape in New York and New England. This one-day symposium will explore key topics shaping the region’s energy future, featuring expert panels and a distinguished lunchtime keynote from Brenda Brickhouse MERL’18, Technical Director of EPRI’s Equitable Decarbonization Initiative.

Panel discussions include:

  • Energy Affordability in the Energy Transition: strategies for managing the costs of the energy transition while protecting consumers
  • Grid Connections: approaches to accelerating the integration of new generation resources under Order 2023
  • Regional Transmission Planning: enhancing regional transmission system planning and construction across New York and New England

Featured Panelists:
John Bernecker, Senior Advisor for Transmission, NYSERDA
David Ellis, Managing Director, Mass American
Graham Jesmer JD’13, Senior Regulatory Counsel – Operations and Planning, ISO-NE
Russell King JD/MERL’18, Assistant Counsel, NY DPS
Mark Sciarrotta JD’96, Vice President and Legal Counsel, VELCO
Lindsay Speer MELP’14, Senior Energy Planner, Central New York Regional Planning & Development Board
Laurie Wheelock JD’10/MELP’07, Executive Director, Public Utility Law Project

Please use the link below to register. $25 per registrant, with proceeds supporting the Kevin B. Jones Fund. Lunch will be provided.

160 N. Main Avenue
Albany, New York 12206