Events Calendar

Stay informed and stay engaged with the VLGS Events Calendar. Expand your knowledge with stimulating discussions from our symposiums, webinars, and weekly info sessions. Our calendar is your go-to resource for staying ahead of the latest happenings within the Vermont Law and Graduate School community. 

A group of graduates standing and lining up.

Sterry Waterman Lecture: Harold Koh

Lawyer and international law scholar Harold Hongju Koh of Yale Law School will present "The Future of the Paris Climate Change Agreement After Trump" during Vermont Law School's annual Sterry R. Waterman Lecture from 5:30 to 7:30 pm on Thursday, March 1, in Chase Community Center at VLS. The lecture is free and open to […]

The Mueller Investigation in Context: From Watergate to Russian Interference

Robert B. Fiske, Jr. on “The Role of the Independent Counsel and Special Prosecutor From Archibald Cox to Bob Mueller” Robert Fiske served as the Independent Counsel in the Whitewater Investigation during the Clinton administration, prior to the appointment of Kenneth Starr. While serving as the US Attorney for the Southern District of New […]

Solutions Conference

Mental health professionals, attorneys and policy makers are invited to join Vermont Law School students to examine Mental Health and the Law at the 2019 Solutions Conference on Friday, March 22 from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Chase Community Center at VLS.  Participants will strengthen skills in professional wellness practices and learn ways […]

Norman Williams Lecture with John Nolon

Calming Troubled Waters: Local Solutions In the 19th Century, the law struggled to regulate water “because the causes which govern and direct movements are so secret, occult and concealed.” Frazier v. Brown (Ohio, 1891) Today, when science has revealed the secrets of hydrology, the law remains “occult.” Federal jurisdiction over water is incomplete; the […]

Advocating for Justice: Being an LGBTQ+ Legal Professional

A panel discussion with VLS alumni to provide perspectives on being a queer legal professional: how to advocate for social justice in our lives, jobs, and our volunteer professional work. The event will be livestreamed at and on the VLS Facebook page.

Taking Land for Power: Eminent Domain and Energy Infrastructure

Join us to discuss pressing legal questions affecting Vermont and the nation: What is required to take land for energy infrastructure? What does "Public Good" mean? How is compensation determined? Is the system fair to landowners and surrounding communities? Filmmaker and photographer Nicol Ragland visits Vermont Law School to share her latest film: "Trans-Pecos: […]

Hot Topics 2019: What’s In Your Water?

Join Jen Duggan of Conservation Law Foundation Vermont as she presents "What's In Your Water?". Attendance is good for one VBA CLE credit. Watch live on the VLS Facebook page or at

Hot Topics 2019: Externalizing Europe’s Energy Policy in EU Free Trade Agreements

Dr. Anna Marhold of Tilburg Law School in the Netherlands presents "Externalizing Europe's Energy Policy in EU Free Trade Agreements: A Cognitive Dissonance Between Promoting Sustainable Development and Ensuring Security of Supply?". Attendance is good for one VBA CLE credit. Watch live on the VLS Facebook page or at

Hot Topics 2019: Confronting America’s Captive Tiger Crisis

Delcianna Winders from Lewis and Clark Law School and Heather Rally from PETA present "Confronting America's Captive Tiger Crisis". Attendance is good for one VBA CLE credit. Watch live on the VLS Facebook page or at