Events Calendar

Stay informed and stay engaged with the VLGS Events Calendar. Expand your knowledge with stimulating discussions from our symposiums, webinars, and weekly info sessions. Our calendar is your go-to resource for staying ahead of the latest happenings within the Vermont Law and Graduate School community. 

A group of graduates standing and lining up.

A Recipe for Sustainability: Global Best Practices to Combat Food Waste and Food Insecurity

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Constitution Day

Towards a More Perfect Union: The Constitution in Times of Change   Enjoy a one hour panel presentation providing a basic overview of the US Constitution.  

Vermont Law Review 21st Annual Symposium

The Vermont Law Review at VLGS Presents its 21st Annual Symposium: Crossing State Lines: Interstate Gambling and the Interplay Between Federal and State Laws   Keynote Speaker: Thomas R. Parker, Former Assistant Special Agent in charge of the Los Angeles FBI Field Office   Event description:  This symposium showcased the […]

An Evening with Bill McKibben

Bill McKibben is an author, an educator, and a global environmental thought leader that has changed how we relate to and advocate for climate justice. He is the author of 18 books, countless essays, and, most recently, founded the Third Act to rally older generations to fight climate change. This broadcast was […]

Guest Talk with John Braithwaite

Exploring Restorative Responses to Environmental Harms w/John Braithwaite Visiting Australian restorative justice scholar and practitioner, John Braithwaite, highlights examples of the intersection of restorative justice and environmental harm and conflict. Using global examples of regulatory changes and implementation strategies, John highlights not only the way that this has shifted legal frameworks in Australia […]

Attorney Rick Mountcastle Guest Talk

Billionaire Justice: Insights from Lead Prosecutor Rick Mountcastle on the Purdue Pharma Case and Understanding its Lasting Impacts on the Opioid Crisis. This event features guest speaker, Attorney Rick Mountcastle, in discussing his experience and perspective on litigating the famous lawsuit against the Sackler family and Purdue Pharma responsible for the OxyContin epidemic. […]

Ninth Annual VLGS Energy Law and Policy Symposium

Climate Action and the Midterms: The Need for Continued State, Corporate, and Federal Leadership to Meet Our Climate Goals Brought to you by the VLGS Alumni in Energy group and the Institute for Energy and the Environment, the symposium will discuss the need for continued state, federal, and corporate leadership at this important crossroad […]

VJEL Vol. 24 Symposium – Oceans 1.5C

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Master of Animal Protection and Policy Webinar

Join Associate Professor of Law and the Director of the Animal Law and Policy Institute Delci Winders as she discusses our new Master of Animal Protection and Policy (MAPP) degree. MAPP students learn to navigate law and policy landscapes and effect change for animals. The curriculum, developed by faculty from the Animal Law and Policy […]

Accelerated JD Information Session

The Accelerated Juris Doctor (AJD) program at Vermont Law School enables students to earn a JD degree in less time with the same curriculum and experiential learning opportunities. In this webinar, we will go over how the program works, the enrollment process and hear from current students about their experience in the AJD. Register […]

Race and the Law Symposium 2023 (Day 1)

The Black Law Students Association at Vermont Law and Graduate School invite you watch our annual Race and The Law Symposium! This symposium intertwined the tips and skills needed to secure employment post-grad and the factor race plays as a student of the law and as a practitioner. Race and The Law featured VLGS alumni […]