Events Calendar

Stay informed and stay engaged with the VLGS Events Calendar. Expand your knowledge with stimulating discussions from our symposiums, webinars, and weekly info sessions. Our calendar is your go-to resource for staying ahead of the latest happenings within the Vermont Law and Graduate School community. 

A group of graduates standing and lining up.

Racial Equity Challenge Lunch Talks

This is a 3-part lunch series, open to all of campus, to complement the 21 Day Racial Equity Habit Building. Students must RSVP to receive a free lunch. Conversations will loosely be structured off the email prompts provided by Food Solutions New England (the original organizers of this challenge). The intention behind these lunches are […]

VJEL End of the Year Party

End of the year thanks to all of the VJEL editors. Gifts, thanks, and awards will be given.

Easter Dinner

The Christian Law Fellowship will be providing an Easter Dinner for students to attend.

Group Meditation with Dean Nolon

Dean Nolon has organized a group meditation, held every Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. in the Belfry (3rd floor, Debevoise Hall). Some of these sessions are guided, some are not guided, and Dean Nolon is not always to attend; however, his mission of creating a space for mindful reflection to offer you an opportunity to […]

Class of 2019 BBQ

A BBQ for the Class of 2019 held at Payne's Beach.

Formal Graduate Photographs

An outside photographer will be on campus to take professional photos of VLS graduates. By appointment only.

Class of 2019 Photo

Please meet on the Cornell Library steps for the Class of 2019 photo before lining up for Commencement.

Hot Topics 2019: What’s In Your Water?

Join Jen Duggan of Conservation Law Foundation Vermont as she presents "What's In Your Water?". Attendance is good for one VBA CLE credit. Watch live on the VLS Facebook page or at

Hot Topics 2019: Externalizing Europe’s Energy Policy in EU Free Trade Agreements

Dr. Anna Marhold of Tilburg Law School in the Netherlands presents "Externalizing Europe's Energy Policy in EU Free Trade Agreements: A Cognitive Dissonance Between Promoting Sustainable Development and Ensuring Security of Supply?". Attendance is good for one VBA CLE credit. Watch live on the VLS Facebook page or at