Events Calendar

Stay informed and stay engaged with the VLGS Events Calendar. Expand your knowledge with stimulating discussions from our symposiums, webinars, and weekly info sessions. Our calendar is your go-to resource for staying ahead of the latest happenings within the Vermont Law and Graduate School community. 

A group of graduates standing and lining up.

Outdoor Skills Workshop

The Outdoor Club will be sharing critical outdoor survival skills.

Environmental Mission Scholars Lightning Talks

Benjamin Civiletti JD’19 “Project Design Envelope: A New Approach to Offshore Wind, and the Implications for Environmental Impact Assessment William LaBarge JD’19 “Boots on the Ground: Working to Pass a Rights of Nature Ordinance” Margaret Shugart JD/MFALP’19 “Give What You’ve Got: Starting Your Pro Bono Work Now and Helping the Next Generation Fight Climate […]

Women’s Law Group 21st Annual Auction

Women's Law Auction is a well-known event on the VLS campus. Donations are provided by businesses, students and professors. The money raised will go to Safeline, Magic Mountain Children's Center, and a scholarship fund given to one VLS student. This is a well attended event. We host a silent and live auction. The food includes […]

The Mueller Investigation in Context: From Watergate to Russian Interference

Robert B. Fiske, Jr. on “The Role of the Independent Counsel and Special Prosecutor From Archibald Cox to Bob Mueller” Robert Fiske served as the Independent Counsel in the Whitewater Investigation during the Clinton administration, prior to the appointment of Kenneth Starr. While serving as the US Attorney for the Southern District of New […]

COP Delegate Panel

The students who had the opportunity to go to Poland for the COP Conference in December will speak about their experiences and the work they were able to do.

ELS Civic Engagement Series: Legislative Advocacy Training

This event is the first installment of the Environmental Law Society's Civic Engagement Series. Students will leave the training empowered to advocate in the legislature and ready to take action. The event will include a demonstration by Professor Teachout, a panel featuring Windsor County's Senate Representative, a Montpelier based lobbyist, and an advocate from the […]

World Water Day Movie and Speaker

World Water Day movie and speaker. A collaborative event with the Environmental Law Society. Movie and panelists are TBD.

Solutions Conference

Mental health professionals, attorneys and policy makers are invited to join Vermont Law School students to examine Mental Health and the Law at the 2019 Solutions Conference on Friday, March 22 from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Chase Community Center at VLS.  Participants will strengthen skills in professional wellness practices and learn ways […]

Know Your Rights Training – Legal Observer Edition

In commemoration of Week Against Incarceration and back by popular demand, we will be conducting Legal Observer Training. The National Lawyers Guild Legal Observer program was established in 1968 in New York City in response to protests at Columbia University and city-wide antiwar and civil rights demonstrations. That same year, Guild students organized for […]