Events Calendar

Stay informed and stay engaged with the VLGS Events Calendar. Expand your knowledge with stimulating discussions from our symposiums, webinars, and weekly info sessions. Our calendar is your go-to resource for staying ahead of the latest happenings within the Vermont Law and Graduate School community. 

A group of graduates standing and lining up.

Hot Topic: The Exxon Papers: Legal and Journalistic Implications

​With John Cushman, Inside Climate NewsA detailed look at the documents behind the prize-winning InsideClimate News investigative series The Road Not Taken, published in 2015. The link to the series of articles is here:​​Can't make the Hot Topics in person? Go to the VLS YouTube channel​ to stream live, or watch the videos at […]

Hot Topic: China and Climate

​​With Hanling Yang, Director, China Program, Environmental Defense FundIntroduction to EDF and EDF's work in China; China's climate commitments timeline; development of a national carbon trading market; implication of air law reform for China's climate pollution reduction; cleaner energy development status; and new challenges and opportunities.Can't make the Hot Topics in person? Go to the […]

Hot Topic: Safeguarding Community Rights to Forests in a REDD+ World

​​With Kristyna Bishop, Senior Social Development Specialist, World BankThis lecture will discuss current trends in protecting community rights to natural resources in REDD+ countries and will highlight some of the key initiatives such as the Dedicated Grant Mechanism for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (DGM) that have the potential to fundamentally change the way forest […]

Hot Topic: Protecting Land in Perpetuity: The Practitioners’ Perspective

​​With Jessica Jay '97, Founding Partner, Conservation Law, P.C.; Gil Livingston, President of the Vermont Land Trust; Reagan Bissonette, Director of Easement Stewardship at the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests; Jeanie McIntyre, President of the Upper Valley Land TrustNational, statewide, and regional land trust perspectives and experiences with perpetual conservation easement stewardship […]

Hot Topic: The Clean Power Plan in the Courts

​​​With Sean Donahue, Partner, Donahue & Goldberg LLPAs counsel for the Environmental Defense Fund and coordinator of the environmental organizations supporting EPA, Sean Donahue has been centrally involved in the legal defense of EPA's program to cut greenhouse gas emission from power plants. He discusses the background of the litigation, its course so far, and […]

Summer Session Welcome Reception

Join your fellow classmates, the summer faculty, and special guests from each term to meet each other, discuss workings in the environmental sector, and enjoy snacks and drinks.