Events Calendar

Stay informed and stay engaged with the VLGS Events Calendar. Expand your knowledge with stimulating discussions from our symposiums, webinars, and weekly info sessions. Our calendar is your go-to resource for staying ahead of the latest happenings within the Vermont Law and Graduate School community. 

A group of graduates standing and lining up.

Corruption in America: Zephyr Teachout Speaks at VLS

​The VLS Speak Organization and the Social Justice Mission Scholars collaborate to host the amazing Zephyr Teachout at Vermont Law School. Professor, political candidate, author, and all around inspiration.  An evening talk on money in politics and corruption in the American political system.

Roe v Wade Anniversary Dinner

Please join LSRJ for our annual Roe v. Wade Anniversary Dinner. We are honored to have UVM Professor Ellen Andersen speak. Community members and students are welcome to join.“Then and Now: What the Politics of Abortion in the Nineteenth Century can Teach us about the Politics of Abortion Today.”Tuesday, April 7, 6:00-8:00Yates Common Room, Vermont Law SchoolEllen […]

11th Annual Williams Lecture

​Michael Gerrard’s talk, titled “Climate Change and Land Use Law: A Strategy to Avoid the Worst Impacts” explores how the latest climate projections paint a dire future unless radical measures are taken. Professor Gerrard will discuss how settled doctrines and practices in land use and environmental law will need to be revisited if we are […]

Phenomenal Women Luncheon

​The Phenomenal Women's Luncheon is held each year to recognize those at VLS (2 students, 2 faculty, and 2 staff) who have shown an honorable commitment to both the community and to women. The winner of the Judge Reiss scholarship is also announced. Event by invitation only.

VLS Speak Presents: The Right to Marry and the U.S. Constitution: An Evening of Debate and Discourse

Join SPEAK and the Social Justice Scholars for a student debate on the topic: The U.S. Constitution guarantees a right to marriage for same-sex couples. Following the debate, Vermont Law School's Professor Jackie Gardina, Professor Greg Johnson, and Professor Peter Teachout will provide relevant perspective and host a question and answer session about the upcoming […]

HIV Testing

​Alliance will be providingfree, anonymous HIV/AIDS testing courtesy of Vermont CARES this Wednesday, April 15th, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM in Debevoise 101. The tests are oral swab tests, and have results within 30 minutes. There will be a time sheet on the door of Deb 101, you can sign up for a time […]

Genocide: The Denial of Human Rights

​100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide: Centennial Commemoration, Discussion, and VigilGuest Speaker: George Aghjayan - Writer, Researcher, and Fellow of the Society of ActuariesArmenian Foods and Beverages served. (Lahmajoun: Armenian Pizza, and Tan: Yogurt Drink)