Events Calendar

Stay informed and stay engaged with the VLGS Events Calendar. Expand your knowledge with stimulating discussions from our symposiums, webinars, and weekly info sessions. Our calendar is your go-to resource for staying ahead of the latest happenings within the Vermont Law and Graduate School community. 

A group of graduates standing and lining up.

Convocation Lecture and Reception

We welcomed our new president, Rodney A. Smolla, for convocation on Thursday, Sept. 1. We explored decisions made by the Supreme Court this summer in a lecture presented by President Smolla, who offered constitutional analysis. Afterward, music was provided by The Dylan Smolla Band, with food, drink and conversation with the […]

The Morrill Land-Grant Acts and Tribal Lands: What Happened, What’s Next

The Land-Grant Act of 1862 was much more than a statute. Also known as the Morrill Act, or the Morrill Land-Grant Act, it transformed higher education in the United States, opening the option of higher education to entire classes of people for whom this was never before an option, such as women and students from […]

Constitution Day

Towards a More Perfect Union: The Constitution in Times of Change   Enjoy a one hour panel presentation providing a basic overview of the US Constitution.  

13th Annual Colloquium on Environmental Scholarship

The 13th Annual Colloquium on Environmental Scholarship offers environmental law scholars the opportunity to present their works-in-progress, to get feedback from their colleagues, and to meet and interact with those who are also teaching and researching in areas related to environmental and natural resources law, or any related specialty areas.

VOC Film & Flora Fest

Vermont Law School Outdoors Club (VOC) presents Film & Flora Fest, an outdoor film festival and plant sale on the Cornell Library Quad. We will be screening "Purple Mountains", a Protect our Winters film, and selling plants. Cash and card will be accepted. We recommend bringing your own blanket or chair. Various kinds of popcorn, […]

Vermont Law Review 21st Annual Symposium

The Vermont Law Review at VLGS Presents its 21st Annual Symposium: Crossing State Lines: Interstate Gambling and the Interplay Between Federal and State Laws   Keynote Speaker: Thomas R. Parker, Former Assistant Special Agent in charge of the Los Angeles FBI Field Office   Event description:  This symposium showcased the […]

An Evening with Bill McKibben

Bill McKibben is an author, an educator, and a global environmental thought leader that has changed how we relate to and advocate for climate justice. He is the author of 18 books, countless essays, and, most recently, founded the Third Act to rally older generations to fight climate change. This broadcast was […]