Events Calendar

Stay informed and stay engaged with the VLGS Events Calendar. Expand your knowledge with stimulating discussions from our symposiums, webinars, and weekly info sessions. Our calendar is your go-to resource for staying ahead of the latest happenings within the Vermont Law and Graduate School community. 

A group of graduates standing and lining up.

Seeds of Change: GMOs and Vermont’s Labeling Law

​​​​The public is welcome to join VLS in hosting Dr. Vandana Shiva on November 3rd, 2014 at 5pm in the Chase Community Center on the VLS campus. Dr. Shiva will speak on climate change, GMOs, and the role of Vermont's GMO labeling law in addressing these concerns. Dr. Shiva is the founder of Navdanya, whose […]

How Do You Lobby for Change?

This Wednesday, November 5, from 2:30-3:30p in Hoff Lounge (not Oakes 207), the Food & Agriculture Clinic will welcome Necrason Group lobbyist Rebecca Ramos to discuss using the democratic and legislative process to promote social change.  You are invited to join the discussion.  Prior to joining the Necrason Group, Rebecca was legal counsel and political […]

Humane Society’s Matt Dominguez to Speak on Ag-Gag Laws

​​Join the Animal Law Society on Thursday, November 6 from 12:45 to 2 in the Map Room to listen to Matt Dominguez, the Humane Society's Public Policy Manager for Farm Animal Protection, speak about Ag-Gag Laws. What are ag-gag laws?They are anti-whistleblower bills that block anyone from exposing animal cruelty, food-safety issues, poor working conditions […]

Justice = Action for Safe Spaces

Street Harassment Workshop Sponsored by: Law Students for Reproductive Justice and the Office of Student Affairs and DiversityStudent Group Collaborations by: Alliance, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, Business Law Society, Latin American Law Students Association, SCORE, Animal Law Society, Black Law Students Assocation, Food and Agriculture Law Society, National Lawyers Guild, Vermont Practice Society, […]

Veterans’ Week – Monday

​ ​ ​The VLS Veterans Law Student Association (VLSA) would like to invite everyone to our events next week in honor of Veterans Day.On Monday, meet at the flag pole in front of Debevoise Hall for the 12:45PM observance before joining us in Chase. Refreshments provided.1LT Mike Heaney, US Army Ret.: "Experience in Vietnam and […]

Veterans’ Week – Wednesday

​​ VLS veterans on "Women in the Military." Refreshments provided.Maj. Melinda Sumner, '16, USMC Ret.Nancy Barbour, Esq., '15, US Army Ret.​Megan Backsen '15, USCG Ret.

Chinese Language Table

​Please join the U.S.-China Partnership for Environmental Law for a Chinese Language and Discussion Table in Debevoise 101. The event will feature a basic Chinese language lesson during the first 20 minutes and a bilingual discussion about cutting-edge advancements in food safety in China (please see the article attached). The language and discussion table will […]

Film Screening: DAM-NATION

The Environmental Law Society is hosting a free film screening of the film DAM-NATION this Upcoming Wednesday, November 12 at 5 pm. Refreshments will be served. A brief panel discussion will immediately follow, discussing the history, benefits and prospects for removal of deadbeat dams in Vermont. Panelists are leading dam-removal authorities in Vermont, including: David […]

Veterans’ Week – Friday

​​​Guest speakers. Refreshments provided.LTC Jacinto Palomino, US Army JAG, Federal Immigration Judge Appointment Los Angelese (pending): "Road from USMC Corporal to LTC US Army JAG and Federal Judge."COL Jody Prescott, US Army Ret., adjunct professor of political science at the University of Vermont: "The Military and the Environment."

Vermont & NEASDA Listening Session for Supplemental Proposed Rules to Federal Food Safety Law

Sponsored, in part, by the Center for Agriculture and Food Systems, the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets, in conjunction with the Northeast Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NEASDA), will be joined by FDA officials for an open Listening Session on November 17th, 2014, to offer farmers and food processors an opportunity to […]