Events Calendar

Stay informed and stay engaged with the VLGS Events Calendar. Expand your knowledge with stimulating discussions from our symposiums, webinars, and weekly info sessions. Our calendar is your go-to resource for staying ahead of the latest happenings within the Vermont Law and Graduate School community. 

A group of graduates standing and lining up.

Indigenous Rights

This panel will consider Indigenous Rights and the Environment through discussion of the advocacy tools available to indigenous people and how these tools may be implemented in other communities.

Civil Rights

This panel will provide a legal advocacy cookbook. Speakers on this panel will provide guidance on how to motivate the public to take action against environmental injustices, prove standing in environmental justice litigation, and what remedies are available through an environmental law suit.


This panel will consist of several case studies where communities have successfully risen against the threats of industrialization and poor waste management planning.

Developing Natural Resources

This panel will focus on Developing Natural Resources, weighing economic rights against impacts on culture, health, and the environment.

EJ on an International Scale

This panel will focus on promoting environmental justice on an international scale, and striking a balance between environmental advocacy and the promotion of cultural traditions. Captain Paul Watson of Sea Shepherd and Professor Betsy Baker of Vermont Law School will sit on this final panel. Following their individual presentations, we will facilitate an in-depth Q&A […]

U.S.-China Partnership Joint Research Presentations

Please join us this Tuesday, April 1st at 12:45pm in the Cornell Seminar Room for presentations by Nancy Lin and Thomas Sheltra of their research as Joint Research Fellows for the U.S.-China Partnership for Environmental Law. Thomas’s presentation will focus on China's International Oil Pipelines and Energy Security. Nancy will present on Regulating Plastic Bags […]

SGE1 Transgender Rights Panel

The Transgender Rights Panel will be introduced by keynote speaker Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin and let by GLAAD Activist Jennifer Levi and Vermont Law School Professor Greg Johnson. Professor Levi will discuss how the First Amendment protects the right to dress in a way that is consistent with one's gender identity. Professor Johnson will discuss […]

Faculty Speaker Series: Betsy Baker on Shaping Arctic Policy from DC to Alaska

​Together with the Faculty Development Committee, the Library is pleased to co-host this semester’s stimulating Faculty Speaker Series. On Thursday, April 3, Professor Betsy Baker, Professor of Law, will discuss Shaping Arctic Policy from DC to Alaska: The U.S. Continental Shelf and Offshore Oil and Gas Regulation in America’s High North.