Events Calendar

Stay informed and stay engaged with the VLGS Events Calendar. Expand your knowledge with stimulating discussions from our symposiums, webinars, and weekly info sessions. Our calendar is your go-to resource for staying ahead of the latest happenings within the Vermont Law and Graduate School community. 

A group of graduates standing and lining up.

Legal Essentials for Utility Executives

This rigorous, two-week course will provide electric utility executives with the legal foundation to more fully understand the utility regulatory framework, the role of federal and state energy regulatory commissions, and how to operate effectively within these structures. Learn more...

Human Rights and Religious Fundamentalism

Speaker: Karima Bennoune, Professor of Law, University of California, Davis Lecture and Book-signing: YOUR FATWA DOES NOT APPLY HERE: UNTOLD STORIES FROM THE FIGHT AGAINST MUSLIM FUNDAMENTALISM

VJEL Symposium 2013

The Vermont Journal of Environmental Law will hold its annual symposium on Friday, October 25, 2013. The symposium, "Rising Temps and Emerging Threats: The Intersection of Climate Change and National Security in the 21st Century," will bring together a variety of experts for a day-long discussion on a number of pressing environmental security issues including: […]

Ocean Frontiers II Screening

​​The Environmental Law Society's Ocean and Coastal Law Committee (OCL) presents, "Ocean Frontiers II: A New England Story for Sustaining the Sea. This 42-minute film is an inspiring story of citizens working together for healthier economies and healthier seas across New England. For more information about the documentary and ocean management, check out the Ocean […]

Point-Counterpoint on Conservation Easements

Professors John Echeverria and Janet Milne, along with Professor Nancy McLaughlin of the University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law, provided the response commentary, "Straight Talk On Conservation Easements," in This response is to the Vermont Land Trust's rebuttal of their original commentary, more on which can be viewed here.

Vermont Supreme Court to Hear Cases at Vermont Law School

The Vermont Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in six cases during the high court’s annual session at Vermont Law School on Monday, March 17, in Oakes Hall on the VLS campus. The session is open to the public. Vermont Court Rules apply for media coverage.