Events Calendar

Stay informed and stay engaged with the VLGS Events Calendar. Expand your knowledge with stimulating discussions from our symposiums, webinars, and weekly info sessions. Our calendar is your go-to resource for staying ahead of the latest happenings within the Vermont Law and Graduate School community. 

A group of graduates standing and lining up.

Colangelo presents and exhibits at the NOFA-Mass Winter Conference

Laura Colangelo presented and exhibited at the NOFA-Mass Winter Conference. There were over 900 conference attendees, most of whom were farmers or were involved in the processing and sale of local produce, meats, eggs, cheeses, and related value-added products. As the conference was sponsored by NOFA, the attendees tended to be interested in organic agriculture […]

Cooper exhibits at the 2011 Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group Conference

Christopher Cooper exhibited at the 2011 Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group Conference. The conference drew nearly 500 participants, mostly sustainable and organic farmers and representatives of companies providing and promoting implements for sustainable agriculture. Participants were highly receptive to the Farmers' Handbook for Energy Self-Sufficiency and asked many questions concerning energy efficiency measures they could […]

Stern and Colangelo present exhibit at the Midwest Value Added Conference

Matthew Stern and Laura Colangelo presented and exhibited at the Midwest Value Added Conference. The goal was to educate the audience about opportunities for using efficiency, biomass, wind, solar, and radiant heating systems on farms, with a focus on finding local and national incentives, tax credits, and other subsidies. Attendees numbered around 300 and were […]

Lawyer Roundtable

The U.S.-China Partnership, Beijing Huanzhu Law Firm, and Fuzhou University School of Law co-sponsored a half-day lawyer roundtable for lawyers in Fuzhou who are interested in developing environmental law practices and share lititgation experiences.  Adam Moser gave a brief introduction of Vermont Law School and gave a presentation on the U.S.-China Partnership and presented on […]