Events Calendar

Stay informed and stay engaged with the VLGS Events Calendar. Expand your knowledge with stimulating discussions from our symposiums, webinars, and weekly info sessions. Our calendar is your go-to resource for staying ahead of the latest happenings within the Vermont Law and Graduate School community. 

A group of graduates standing and lining up.

Waging A Struggle for Human Rights in the South

The International Law Society (ILS) as well as the immigration law faculty would like to invite you to attend a speaker event on Tuesday, April 16th from 5 to 6:15 p.m. in Yates. Light food and refreshments will be provided. ILS is proud to be welcoming Azadeh Shashahani to campus. She will be talking about […]

Racial Equity Challenge Lunch Talks

This is a 3-part lunch series, open to all of campus, to complement the 21 Day Racial Equity Habit Building. Students must RSVP to receive a free lunch. Conversations will loosely be structured off the email prompts provided by Food Solutions New England (the original organizers of this challenge). The intention behind these lunches are […]

VJEL End of the Year Party

End of the year thanks to all of the VJEL editors. Gifts, thanks, and awards will be given.

Easter Dinner

The Christian Law Fellowship will be providing an Easter Dinner for students to attend.