- Adjunct Faculty
Larry Novins
- Adjunct Faculty
- JD, University of New Mexico School of Law
- Middlebury College
Email: LNOVINS@vermontlaw.edu
Larry Novins began his association with Vermont Law School in 2003 as a volunteer. He assisted a VLS mock trial team as it prepared to compete in a New England regional trial competition. He became an adjunct faculty member in 2004. He teaches trial practice, continues to coach the mock trial team, and teaches evidence labs.
Between 2002 and 2016, Mr. Novins represented professional licensing boards and conducted licensing and unprofessional conduct hearings at the Office of Professional Regulation. In that position he drafted legislation and administrative rules for the professions governed by that office. For several years he presented the BarBri bar review lecture in administrative law.
For 18 years, he represented indigent criminal defendants and juveniles as a public defender in Albuquerque, N.M., and in Rutland and Middlebury, Vt. where he was senior staff attorney. Mr. Novins is a regular presenter on evidence and trial practice at the Vermont Defender General’s annual training sessions.
In 2006, the Vermont Supreme Court appointed Mr. Novins to the Professional Responsibility Board where he served the maximum three terms. Between 2002 and 2011, when the program ended, Mr. Novins was a member of the board of the Vermont-Karelia Rule of Law Project. He traveled to Russia several times to participate in seminars and educational programs with Russian judges and lawyers and hosted Russian and Ukrainian judges and lawyers who visited Vermont. He maintains contact with some of his Russian and Ukrainian colleagues and continues his Russian language studies.
Mr. Novins is a graduate of Middlebury College and the University of New Mexico School of Law.
- Administrative Law
Courses Taught
- Evidence Lab
- Intensive Trial Practice