Chat with a Graduate Admissions Counselor
VirtualQuestions about VLGS graduate programs? Drop in and chat virtually with admissions counselor Lauren Badams.
Stay informed and stay engaged with the VLGS Events Calendar. Expand your knowledge with stimulating discussions from our symposiums, webinars, and weekly info sessions. Our calendar is your go-to resource for staying ahead of the latest happenings within the VLGS community.Â
Questions about VLGS graduate programs? Drop in and chat virtually with admissions counselor Lauren Badams.
The American Constitution Society at VLGS invites you to a dynamic event, which will feature President Rod Smolla discussing the recent TikTok v. Garland case. Join us in person or virtually. A livestream link will be shared on this page prior to the event.
Join current students to hear more about life in Vermont. The group will highlight the town of South Royalton, our beautiful seasons, exciting outdoor activities (and keeping cozy indoors), student clubs, the culture on campus, and more.
Covid-19 impacted communities across the world, but higher poverty communities and communities of color were disproportionately affected by the pandemic. These communities are still recovering, both from the loss of loved ones as well as economic and health impacts that Covid-19 left in its wake. How have heavily impacted communities healed after this monumental health […]
Join Stephen Pimpare, director of our Master of Public Policy (MPP) program, for an informative session exploring the qualities of an effective public policy professional and what makes our MPP program distinct.
Vermont Law and Graduate School's Dean Beth McCormack unveils the changes to the new bar exam and answers your questions.
Join us to hear how VLGS's flexible Online Hybrid JD (OHJD) works for members of the military and their families. Special guest panelists include Dean Beth McCormack, OHJD Director Roger Pao, and current students.
Vermont Law and Graduate School’s 49th Commencement Ceremony is scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 17, 2025, at 10 a.m. on the Royalton Town Green. A reception that includes food, champagne, and a steel drum band will take place immediately after the ceremony on the Debevoise Hall Back Lawn. The reception is free and […]
Attending this dynamic event is the perfect way to envision life as a Vermont Law and Graduate School student. Throughout the day, you will get an in-depth look at the many opportunities available and how VLGS can help you reach your goals. In addition to being greeted by our amazing faculty, staff, and students, you'll […]