Free and open to the public, the event opens a month-long exhibit of his paintings, titled "George Lawrence Retrospective," on display in Oakes Hall through Sept. 28.

"The Vermont Law School community is honored to celebrate George’s birthday with him and provide a venue for his stunning work," said VLS President and Dean Marc Mihaly. "His art has long brought joy to this campus, and he has time and time again given generously to Vermont Law School initiatives, including the Equal Justice Foundation, a student-run organization that promotes public interest awareness and practice. We look forward to hosting our longtime friend."

Lawrence has taught painting throughout Vermont and in Provence, France, and has exhibited his work in more than 20 galleries and countless shows. At VLS, his art adorns the covers of school publications and hangs in the homes of faculty and staff.

His work has appeared in Country Journal, Yankee Magazine, Woodstock Common, Essence of Stowe, Vermont Seasons, Upper Valley Life, and Vermont Magazine. Most recently, he is featured in the summer 2014 issue of Hanover, N.H.-based Image magazine.

The artist recently shared that he cannot remember a time when he did not create.

"You might say my art was a God-given gift," said Lawrence, who moved to Vermont with wife Jacquelyn in 1976. "Since those early days of my childhood until the current time, there has not been a noticeable separation between my art and my life. It is so ingrained that I cannot remember when I did not draw or paint."

Lawrence’s productivity has slowed down in recent years due to an intention tremor, or cerebellar tremor, which causes his hands to shake when he approaches anything physical with purpose. Still, he continues to paint and draws inspiration from his condition.

"This phenomenon, with all of its negative connotations, has taken me in a new direction with my work about which I am quite excited," Lawrence said.

For more information about the exhibit, reception and birthday celebration for George Lawrence, email VLS Events Coordinator Kathy McCullough at or call 802-831-1456.