The Vermont Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in five cases during the high court’s annual session at Vermont Law School on Wednesday, March 4, 2020 in Oakes Hall on the VLS campus. Sessions will begin at 9:30 AM and are open to the public. To access the day’s calendar, CLICK HERE. Vermont Court Rules apply for media coverage.

The court will consider the following cases:

9:30 AM
Bradley Newton & Kristi Newton v. Ron Preseau, Ron’s Car Care et al., 2019-297: Does a vehicle inspection mechanic who “passed” a truck owe a duty of care to someone, other than the truck owner, injured by that truck several months later?

10:00 AM
In re Petition of Acorn Energy Solar 2, LLC, 19-398: Did the Public Utility Commission correctly apply the law and make appropriate factual findings when it issued a Certificate of Public Good to Acorn Energy Solar 2, LLC to build a 150 kW net-metered solar array?

11:00 AM
State of Vermont v. Mathew S. Hinton, 2019-097: Does a statutory amendment decriminalizing escaping from furlough apply retroactively to a conviction entered before the amendment went into effect but while the conviction was being appealed?

1:30 PM
State of Vermont v. Jacob Rillo, 2019-047: Was there a sufficient factual basis to support defendant’s guilty plea for knowingly dispensing heroin and fentanyl, with death resulting, if during the plea defendant did not admit that he knew the drug contained fentanyl or that he sold the drug directly to the person who died?

2:00 PM
State of Vermont v. Peter John Williams, 19-022/19-023
Can the results of an evidentiary breath test be admitted as evidence against a defendant in a trial for driving under the influence where the tests were taken without a warrant and defendants gave consent to the breath tests after being informed that refusal to consent could result in criminal charges?