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Energy Clinic



2016 Spring

About This Class

Through this course students will be introduced to the practical aspects of real world energy projects.  Students will become involved in some aspect of the development or evaluation of real life energy projects (e.g. solar PV, energy efficiency, electric vehicle infrastructure) and may have the opportunity to support the legal and policy requirements of a particular project or through the development of model legal documents to facilitate future projects.  Students will be introduced to the state and federal statutes, rules, tax codes, and ordinances that apply to the development of energy projects particularly those that promote sustainability at the community level.  Given the project development cycle while students may only be involved in one or more transactional elements of the project the goal of the course will be to also provide a framework for understanding how their specific component fits within the complete project cycle.  Specific projects undertaken by the energy clinic will be selected in order to support some social justice or environmental benefit including community ownership, greenhouse gas reduction, or low income energy affordability goals.  Classroom instruction will be through IEE faculty, fellows, and guest lecturers.

Class Code


