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Jurisprudence Tutorial



2016 Spring

About This Class

The Law and Philosophy Tutorial and the jurisprudential issues of tort law are modeled after the Oxford-Cambridge tutorial system in which the student and faculty member would follow a course of reading (jointly agreed to by the faculty member and student).   The two would meet from time to time and the student would set forth what he or she had learned from a particular reading with discussion from the faculty member. (The Socratic Method was not employed, but the faculty member might ask questions to further the exploration of the reading in question.) The student might complete a number of short papers on the readings or organize the readings to complete a longer paper for the end of the tutorial. The purpose of the tutorial was to help the student master a field of law and/or philosophy, or explore a particular author’s writings in depth, or resolve a particular problem. The preferred subjects are philosophy, jurisprudence, social and political philosophy, ethics, land use, population, environmental, and tort law. 
The details are to be worked out by the faculty member and the student, and a signed contract must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office.  This course is not eligible for the AWR. 
Past students have studied and/or written papers on Hegel, Rawls, Gramsci, Nietzsche, Aristotle, Aquinas, Foucault and others). The credit available for this course is one or two credits. "Interested students should meet with Professor Brooks in the semester before the term in which the course is scheduled to secure faculty permission and make initial arrangements." A maximum of two students will be enrolled in any one semester." Upon request the Registrar’s Office will send via e-mail an edited longer description if you are interested, and you may contact Professor Emeritus Brooks:

Class Code


