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Three Essentials of the Electric Grid: Legal Essentials




2024 Summer Environmental - Term 1

About This Class

This course sets out, in three linked modules, the fundamental knowledge that professionals should have for working in the closely intertwined fields of energy and the environment. Students may take one, two, or three modules for one credit each.

MODULE C – LEGAL ESSENTIALS: With the rise in urgency to address the climate crisis, the U.S. will need to sharply reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to a low-carbon economy. This module will examine this transition in the electric power sector, exploring in practice how the power of law and policy can be brought to bear through clean energy advocacy to make much needed progress on mitigating the worst impacts of climate change. Through classroom discussion and exercises, this course will use real case studies related to “hot” issues for today’s electricity regulators, stakeholders, and market participants; and explore substantive policy and skills-based knowledge, demonstrating how practitioners in the field are advancing clean energy policies at the national, regional, state and local levels.

Class Code



Environmental Law