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CAFS offers a comprehensive sustainable food and agriculture law and policy program with residential, distance learning, and summer courses. Students can also gain clinical training in our Food and Agriculture Clinic, one of the few in the nation.

Online Learning

Earn a Master of Food and Agriculture Law and Policy (MFALP) degree or LLM in Food and Agriculture Law degree online or take food and agriculture law and policy courses online as a non-degree-seeking student.

JD Concentration in Food and Agriculture Law

This concentration focuses on coursework related to food and agriculture law.

Master of Food and Agriculture Law and Policy (MFALP)

The Master of Food and Agriculture Law and Policy (MFALP) degree program is designed for students who want to pursue intensive study and practical training in food and agricultural law and policy. The MFALP degree program trains students to effectively engage the institutions and individuals that influence food and agriculture law and policy and formulate law and policy solutions.

LLM in Food and Agriculture Law

Designed for students who have already earned a law degree and wish to pursue intensive study and practical training in Food and Agriculture Law, the LLM is open to those who have graduated with a JD degree from a U.S. law school or have earned an equivalent degree in another country.

Students in a classroom
CAFS Courses
Browse the food and agricultural law and policy course offerings at Vermont Law School. 
The CAFS faculty and staff members pose for a group photo.
Our Faculty, Staff, and Fellows
Meet the team of food and agricultural law and policy experts who teach, supervise students, and conduct innovative research at CAFS.
Three farmers planting a row of seedlings on a farm
CAFS Projects
Learn more about the projects we work on at the Center for Agriculture and Food Systems and the Food and Agriculture Clinic.